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Ones and Zeros Vol. 1

Ones and Zeros Vol. 1

🇺🇸, 2015.
Take a look at the first PA review of the album as it first deals with a 10-years-after-future (2025 lol), since this concept album does. This article is perfect, and synches the lyrics with the sound and playing. The album has a pretty high ratings, although The Long Division's music enchantement is preferred by many, and most, of us. Influences are quoted, but anyone can find more of them, e.g. Goblin for the ending of #2 The Gravity.
1&0.1's lyric works is the most interesting and fancy point here, so are the pretty and involved arrangement moments here and there. It's a nice mainstream prog album. Like Seconds Before Landing, it features funny adv. "Futuristic" ones. But - a "negative" point - these are actual ones when you compare them with today, and robot voices don't hurt our ears any longer. Jules Verne did the same without knowing it would happen e.g. with submarines.

The First Breath

White Raven
The First Breath

🇵🇱, 2015.
And have a look at the complete first review on PA about this instr. release by WR, despite their personal and referential adv behavior there. This is quite a brilliant (one-shot?) debut and a one-man Vangelisish, (kinda : the inspiration mostly applies to #1 The First Breath, but #2 Second sounds like a Luc Henrion stuff. As does #14. Last But Not Wasted Breath:The First Breath - Finale. #8 Eclipse agreely evokes a Rick Wakeman feeling too), project album indeed.
Each track sounds like, and is, an amazing and exciting modern trip, no matter their duration, no matter the duration of the whole mesmerizing journey actually. Magnificence pleases you more with each track. It's full of loving beautiness this country perfectly knows how to conceive by art.

Tracks from the Alps

The Watch
Tracks from the Alps

🇮🇹, 2014.
Most of us feel happy that Genesis (the true one) turns out to be one of the main references in prog rock from now and then, not to say the one and only. The Watch comes from most of the main proliferous prog rock countries, not to say the one and only. Now, there are other (italian) bands that covers AND composes G songs, with G sounds and vocal, and The Watch must be the most famous classic bands of the genre. The alps is a mountain mass between France and Italy. We can't say this is the best album of theirs, Ghost being a magnificent release for instance. But The Watch magic still blows from an album to another. This is just another gem to add in their list. Here, a bass player replacement was done, no drastical change, PA reviewer talks about some subtle one. But the man does the job with an as good progressive rock level as the band itself. This is a short album, with no long track, and nothing to throw just like any (true) G album actually. For (true) G die hard fans and (/thus) for any progressive music die hard fan. For (real) contemporary rock music fan.

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